目前分類:Oracle Workflow (3)

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Part Number A95265-02


Somebaby 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

How to Generate the COGS Account from the Order Type [ID 414314.1]


In order to generate the COGS account from the Cost of Goods Sold account assigned to the order type (A.K.A. OM Transaction Type) of the order, the seeded COGS workflow needs to be modified to change the default node from Get CCID for a line to Get CCID from the Order Type ID.  This bulletin will detail the required changes to accomplish this.

Scope and Application

Familiarity with Workflow and Workflow Builder is required.

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Oracle Workflow Builder


  • Store : A Store is the highest level in a workflow and consists of  a number of flow save together.

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