Oracle Workflow Builder


  • Store : A Store is the highest level in a workflow and consists of  a number of flow save together.


    上圖有兩種Store case(one is database , another is a flow stored as local file system)

    Save as location filename,filename will be (*.wft)


    • Item Type: The "Item Type" is located directly under the "Store" Level . Our "Store" contain two item type : NEW_TYPE and WFSTD .
    • Attribute : Attributes are variables used in flows.
    • Process    : A Process is a path, the sequence in which components are being executed.Some Item types can have several possible paths (Several process) which can be executed. Not all workflows include more processes,some might have only one.
    • Notifications: Notifications are graphically represented by an envelope, which might suggest that Notifications are equal to a message. This is partly true.  A Notification is merely a container for a Message which itself contains text (header and body). The Notification is like the envelope and the message is like the letter in the envelope.


    [Relation between Notification, Message and Attributes]

    A Notification can have the following characteristics:

    • It relates to a message. (and its body text)
    • it can have a result (Notification ask for Approval)
    • it has priority level (high, normal or low)
    • it can have a timeout (if the receiver of a Notification does not respond within  a certain time , another path is followed)
    • it has a recipient (in the Process Builder this is indicated by the field "Performer")


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