資料來源: OTN
This tip comes from Navroz Kapadia, DBA, Economics & Business Cluster in Toronto, Ontario, Canada.
This script will generate a SQL*Loader control file for any specified table, which can then be customized as per individual needs. Ensure it is run by a user with SELECT_CATALOG_ROLE. Parameter 1 is the owner of the table. Parameter 2 is the tablename.
set verify off
set heading off
set embedded on
set recsep off
set pages 500
set lines 80
set feedback off
define &&1 = ''
spool c:\your_path_name\&&2..ctl
'load data
infile ''' || 'C:\your_path_name\' || upper('&2') || '.CSV'''|| '
into table ' || upper('&1') || '.' || upper('&2') || '
fields terminated by '',''' || '
trailing nullcols'
from all_tables where owner = upper('&1') and table_name = upper('&2')
select decode(a.column_id, '1', '(') || a.column_name ||
(case when a.column_id < max(b.column_id) then ',' else ')' END)
from all_tab_columns a, all_tab_columns b
where a.owner = upper('&1') and a.table_name = upper('&2') and
b.owner = upper('&1') and b.table_name = upper('&2')
group by a.column_name, a.column_id
order by a.column_id
spool off
set verify on
set heading on
set embedded off
set recsep wrapped
set pages 64
set lines 80
set feedback 6
undefine 1
undefine 2