目前分類:ERP Concept (11)
- Jul 04 Mon 2011 10:41
Oracle EBS 11i - New Entity Setup
- Jun 15 Wed 2011 10:36
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- Oct 09 Fri 2009 17:52
About Oracle Item
- Item Status
(N) Setup > Items > Status Codes
Status Attribute Definitions:
Users may define as many statuses as necessary to represent their business. The attributes and what they mean are given below so that the company implementing the E-Business Suite can decide how they want to use this functionality. The definitions of the attributes used in status control are given below.
•Stockable: Allows you to store the item in an asset sub-inventory. (可以儲存在資產倉)
•Transactable: Allows you to transact the item Inventory, Order Management, Purchasing and WIP. (可被交易)
•Build in WIP: Allows you to build the item on a discrete job and/or a repetitive schedule (可以開工單)
•Purchasable: Allows you to place the item on a purchase order (可以開採購單)
•Customer Orders Enabled: Allows you to place the item on a sales order. (可以開銷售單)
•Internal Orders Enabled: Allows you to create an internal sales order for the item. (可以開內部訂單)
•BOM Allowed: Allows you to create a bill of material for the item. (可以建料表)
•Invoice Enabled: Allows you to create an invoice for the item. (可以開立發票)
- Oct 09 Fri 2009 14:29
Units of Measure
Units of Measure are defined once when setting up Oracle Applications
Each | Box | Dozen (一打) |
![]() |
![]() |
![]() |
Factors to consider when defining Units of Measure for your items:
- What is the lowest Unit of Measure that you stock, cost and plan?
- What conversions do you want to use for transaction purposes?
- Are you going to define a default UOM for the primary unit of measure for an item?
- What is the process to determine the primary UOM?
- Do you need to define interclass conversions?
- Oct 09 Fri 2009 14:06
Oracle Enterprise Structure
Enterprise Structure
- Structure Example1
In this example, if the organizations used different functional currencies, they would have to be set up as separate inventory organizations. Inventory organizations inherit their functional currency from the Set of Books. This is not an updateable option. In this example, if the inventory organizations had different functional currencies, there would also need to be a second Set of Books. Even if the chart of accounts were the same and the calendar were the same, the functional currency difference would preclude these two locations from being one inventory organization.
ps. 3C : Currency , Calendar , Chart of Accounts
- Structure Example 2
Consider a second scenario:
- Facility 1 - located in Florida
- Facility 2 - located in California
Would this situation be better as one inventory organization or two?
Assume that the functional currency issue for both organizations is the same and the decision has been made for them to report to the same set of books. The same question has to be asked again, would this be better as one inventory organization or two?
A few questions to ask:
- Do they use the same costing method?
- Is the inventory going to be co-mingled within a sub-inventory for both locations? If so, how is the physical quantity going to be controlled?
- Are there going to be physical shipments from one organization to another? Do they plan to use locator control?
If there are going to be physical shipments from one location to another, these will have to be modeled as sub-inventory transfers or locator to locator transfers within Oracle Inventory. If the physical distance is such the physical update is not real time, the company may want to consider separate inventory organizations. Sub-inventory and locator to locator transfers update the on hand balances real time and the transaction does not allow for intransit time. If two inventory organizations were created to model the physical locations, then intransit time could be modeled using inter-organization transfers.
•Assume the answer to question 1 is no, the two locations want to use different costing methods. In this scenario, the two facilities would have to be separate inventory organizations because there is only one costing method per organization.
•Assume the answers to questions 1 and 2 are no and yes respectively but the answer to question 3 is yes. Although it would not be required, the company may want to consider two inventory organizations in this scenario. If the company were to implement only one inventory organization it would require very strong internal control in order maintain integrity in inventory reporting. Locator control may be an option for two facilities in different locations but the physical difference and the resulting intransit time would make this option more challenging. Again, internal control and process control would have to be very strong in order to make this work.
- Sep 25 Fri 2009 12:26
複製上一筆Record column Value : [Shit]+[F5]
- Oct 21 Tue 2008 11:44
{Issue} Oracle ERP Export亂碼
請將個人的Profile: FND: NATIVE CLIENT ENCODING 設成ZHT16BIG5 再重新Login ERP 就可以了
- Oct 17 Fri 2008 16:28
ORACLE ERP系統裡面不能複製/貼上問題解決方法
- Sep 19 Wed 2007 18:39
Oracle Standard Purge Function
Oracle ERP提供了幾個Purge資料的Concurrent,供需要的人參考:
- [AR] Receviables Archive and Purge
- Path:Archive and Purge
- [AP/PO] Purchasing
- Path:Management>Purge:
New 一個Submit Purge,並按[Initiate],再view Concurrent看看執行狀況,會產生報表給你看有哪些資料會被PURGE掉,確認好後,再進來Submit Purge中[Confirm]。
- 需注意在Submit Purge如果有未完成的Purge Name,那麼你怎麼新增Purge條件,都不會成功的!!
- [OM] Order Managment Super User
- Path:Orders,Returns>Purge>Purge Set
- Path:Orders,Returns>Purge>Order Purge Selection
- [Ship] R12才有,Metalink說,在Ship Menu下
- Sep 11 Tue 2007 11:46
ERP Module List
ERP Module List
- GL: General Ledger 總帳管理
- AR:Account Receivable 應收帳款管理
- AP:Account Payable 應付帳款管理
- FA: Fix Asset 固定資產管理
- NM:Notes Management 票據管理 (國內廠商客製產品)
- GV:Government Uniform Invoice/Value Added Tax 發票及媒體申報系統 (國內廠商客製產品)
- PO:Purchase Order Management 採購管理
- OM:Order Management 銷售管理
- Ship: Shipping 出貨管理
- BOM : Bill of Material 物料表
- INV: Inventory 庫存管理
- WIP :Work in Process 工單管理
- Treasury :資金管理
- Aug 26 Sun 2007 12:15
Oracle ERP Concept
Version :
Oracle ERP擁有以下的系統功能
- 多幣別
- 多帳本
但ERP中 一個帳本,只能有一個幣別、一組行事曆(Calendar)