- Item Status
(N) Setup > Items > Status Codes
Status Attribute Definitions:
Users may define as many statuses as necessary to represent their business. The attributes and what they mean are given below so that the company implementing the E-Business Suite can decide how they want to use this functionality. The definitions of the attributes used in status control are given below.
•Stockable: Allows you to store the item in an asset sub-inventory. (可以儲存在資產倉)
•Transactable: Allows you to transact the item Inventory, Order Management, Purchasing and WIP. (可被交易)
•Build in WIP: Allows you to build the item on a discrete job and/or a repetitive schedule (可以開工單)
•Purchasable: Allows you to place the item on a purchase order (可以開採購單)
•Customer Orders Enabled: Allows you to place the item on a sales order. (可以開銷售單)
•Internal Orders Enabled: Allows you to create an internal sales order for the item. (可以開內部訂單)
•BOM Allowed: Allows you to create a bill of material for the item. (可以建料表)
•Invoice Enabled: Allows you to create an invoice for the item. (可以開立發票)