測試Order Book會影響Credit Exposure Report中的Customer Level or Location Level時發現,不管我的Order怎麼BOOK,系統就是不會重算Exposure Amount??
ps. 此時Credit Check Rule中的Credit Check Level設定在"Sales Order Line" Level
Responsibility: Order Management Super User
Path: Setup>Credit>Define Credit Check Rules
1. QUERY出你用的Credit Check Rule
2.查看[Exposure]頁籤中 "Use Pre-Calculated Exposure"是否被勾選起來了。 =>這就是兇手!!把它Disable吧!!
Reference.(Oracle® Order Management User’s Guide-Part No. A88765-06)...
Credit Checking is supported. You can use either real-time credit exposure calculations
or pre-calculated exposures, a feature introduced in Order Management. For best
performance, use the pre-calculated exposure functionality, and consider limiting the use
of Credit Checking to higher-risk customers.