Metalink Doc ID: 158088.1

The output and log directories are setup at installation level.

This could be done by defining the BD or Server environment variables APPLCSF, APPLLOG, and APPLOUT.

If APPLCSF has a value, the request log files will be written in $APPLCSF/log directory, and the output files in $APPLCSF/out directory for all modules.

If APPLCSF has no a value, the request log files will be writen in $<MODULE& gt; _TOP/$APPLLOG and the output files will be written in $<MODULE>_TOP/$ APPLOUT for each modules.

Where <MODULE> is the shortname of the module; for example, GL for General Ledger Module.

Those variables are defined in the applications environment file. When the concurrent managers start, they look the values in these variables. When a concurent process is executed depending on the environment variable values and the applications module, the directory for log and out files is determined.

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