XML Publisher Report Issue:
目前為止已經開發了三四隻XML Report (Output Format = Excel).
這兩天竟然出現這個怪異的現象.. 這隻報表只要Run 3 以上就會出現Warning,
重點是之後跑XML Rerport 也都會Warning ,跑不出來了,
也就是說只有有隻XML Report Fail 就會擋到後面XML Report的路,大家都不能走了!!!
Log ==>
+------------- 1) PUBLISH -------------+
Beginning post-processing of request 22190736 on node ERPDEMODB at 10-JUL-2009 07:34:26.
Post-processing of request 22190736 failed at 10-JUL-2009 07:36:25 with the error message:
One or more post-processing actions failed. Consult the OPP service log for details.
+------------- 2) PRINT -------------+
Not printing the output of this request because post-processing failed.
- 查了Matelink....
Metalink 叫我們看Log,,,... 在哪呢?
使用System Administrator Responsibility
Path :Concurrent > Manager > Administer
你會看到 一段字: Caused by: java.lang.OutOfMemoryError,我想就是Memory 的問題吧!!
上Metalink找到一篇文章 doc ID:315477.1
Responsibility : XML Publisher Administrator
[Tab]DataDefinitions : Query out my Definition Name [Edit Configuration]
Please Notes: "Compress temporary file" should be "True".