今天開始想要Study Web ADI..(已經有上Notes:287080.1 Patch環境下測試)
How to start..
1. 我給自己在測試環境加了 Desktop Integration Responsibility
2. User Guide 都告訴我們第一步要"Default Layout"... 於是我也照做了
進入後,很自然而然的,我選擇第一個Integrator = Alignment (也不知道這是什麼東西?) 於是按下 [Go]
結果竟然給我出現這個Error : You do not have permission to access this functionality.
後來不得已 就去看Oracle E-Document. == Oracle® Web Applications Desktop Integrator - Implementation and Administration Guide (Release 11i)
結果才發現,原來Oracle Web ADI只有預設可以使用一種Integrators : General Ledger journals. 我們要Create other integrators 會有期各自的patch 要apply.
- Web ADI is shipped with the General Ledger Journals integrator. This integrator allows you to create General Ledger journals in Excel.Other integrators are available as separate pathes.
選擇General Ledger journals
這個就ok 了 ,點下[Go],就會出現下圖畫面(真的是出廠預設值)