Get On Hand Quantities through API
This script can be used to get the below quantities. 1. On-hand Quantity 2. Available to Reserve 3. Quantity Reserved 4. Quantity Suggested 5. Available to Transact 6. Available to Reserve You can also get the On-hand quantities from the table mtl_onhand_quantities
DECLARE x_return_status VARCHAR2 (50); x_msg_count VARCHAR2 (50); x_msg_data VARCHAR2 (50); v_item_id NUMBER; v_org_id NUMBER; v_qoh NUMBER; v_rqoh NUMBER; v_atr NUMBER; v_att NUMBER; v_qr NUMBER; v_qs NUMBER; v_lot_control_code BOOLEAN; v_serial_control_code BOOLEAN; BEGIN -- Set the variable values v_item_id := 12758; v_org_id := 91; v_qoh := NULL; v_rqoh := NULL; v_atr := NULL; v_lot_control_code := FALSE; v_serial_control_code := FALSE; -- Set the org context fnd_client_info.set_org_context (1); -- Call API inv_quantity_tree_pub.query_quantities (p_api_version_number = 1.0 , p_init_msg_lst ='F' , x_return_status =x_return_status , x_msg_count =x_msg_count , x_msg_data =x_msg_data , p_organization_id =v_org_id , p_inventory_item_id =v_item_id , p_tree_mode =apps.inv_quantity_tree_pub.g_transaction_mode -- or 3 , p_is_revision_control =FALSE , p_is_lot_control =v_lot_control_code-- is_lot_control, , p_is_serial_control =v_serial_control_code , p_revision =NULL -- p_revision, , p_lot_number =NULL -- p_lot_number, , p_lot_expiration_date =SYSDATE , p_subinventory_code =NULL -- p_subinventory_code, , p_locator_id =NULL -- p_locator_id, -- p_cost_group_id =NULL, -- cg_id, , p_onhand_source =3 , x_qoh =v_qoh -- Quantity on-hand , x_rqoh =v_rqoh --reservable quantity on-hand , x_qr =v_qr , x_qs =v_qs , x_att =v_att -- available to transact , x_atr =v_atr -- available to reserve ); DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line ('On-Hand Quantity: ' || v_qoh); DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line ('Available to reserve: ' || v_atr); DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line ('Quantity Reserved: ' || v_qr); DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line ('Quantity Suggested: ' || v_qs); DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line ('Available to Transact: ' || v_att); DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line ('Available to Reserve: ' || v_atr); EXCEPTION WHEN OTHERS THEN DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line ('ERROR: ' || SQLERRM); END;