Order Entry/Shipping provides the following application-level profile options to support your scheduling needs.
OE: Reservations
This profile option defines whether you manage your business by reserving on-hand available inventory at some point in the order process. A reservation allocates a reservable item's on-hand available inventory to a sales order line. Oracle Inventory does not include reserved inventory in Current On-hand Available balances, and Oracle Applications do not allow you to transact inventory reserved to another sales order or use it in an inventory material transaction.
With this profile option set to Yes, you can reserve on-hand quantities of an item on-line using the Sales Orders or Schedule Orders windows, or via OrderImport. If you have not reserved the item before releasing the item for shipment, Pick Release automatically reserves the item.
If this profile option is set to No, Order Entry/Shipping does not allow on-line reservations during scheduling, and Pick Release releases all eligible order lines regardless of stock availability.
OE: Autobackorder
If this profile option is set to Yes and there is insufficient quantity on hand to release a shipment, Pick Release automatically backorders the unavailable quantity (the order line status becomes Backorder Release - Eligible). If this profile option is set to No, the items are not released (the order line status remains Pick Release - Eligible).
The profile option OE: Reservations must be set to Yes for Order Entry/Shipping to recognize this profile option setting.
OE: Schedule Date Window
This profile option defines the number of days past the schedule date (including the schedule date) that the Demand Interface attempts to demand inventory. Inventory must be available for all items and options if you place demand for a ship set, ATO configuration, or Ship Model Complete PTO model. There is no limit on the value you can specify, but it must be greater than or equal to one day.
Pick Release ignores the value of this profile option, and its value is irrelevant when you attempt to demand part of a ship set or Ship Model Complete PTO model on-line.