{Error} Mobile System : Internal Error - Task_Merge_Aplit API - LOAD_SINGLE. Press any key to continue.
<Root cause>
You are not able to pick tasks in the mobile environment when the task quantity is a large number (8 digits or more). You have created a task for quantity 10000000 (8 digits). Release the order and attempt to pick using the mobile. The following error is seen:
Internal error- Task_Merge_Split API - LOAD_SINGLE. Press any key to continue.
During Picking Tasks, when the quantity to be loaded is huge, java sends this quantity in exponential format to PLSQL. While applying the format mask to this quantity, exception was raised as it is not a number.
< Solution > 因為撿貨數量過大,quantity 超過 10000000,將數量拆掉後,再做pick