[ Solution ]
Make the appropriate correction to the value set reference for the parameter Update Time in the Purge Standard Cost Update History program
1. Using a System Administrator responsibility, Navigate to: Concurrent > Concurrent : Program> Define.
2. Query the Program, Purge Standard Cost Update History.
3. Select the Parameters button.
4. Place the cursor on the parameter called 'Update Time'.
5. Change the Default Value field so that the value set reference is CST_SRS_PURGE_COSTHIST instead of CST_SRS_PURGE_COSTHISTORY.
For example: Select To_Char(Update_Date,'HH24:MI') From CST_COST_UPDATES Where Cost_Update_ID=:$FLEX$.CST_SRS_PURGE_COSTHIST
6. Set the Profile Option, CST: Maintain Cost Privilege to 'Yes'.