資料來源: OTN

This tip comes from Navroz Kapadia, DBA, Economics & Business Cluster in Toronto, Ontario, Canada.

This script will generate a SQL*Loader control file for any specified table, which can then be customized as per individual needs. Ensure it is run by a user with SELECT_CATALOG_ROLE. Parameter 1 is the owner of the table. Parameter 2 is the tablename.

set verify off

set heading off

set embedded on

set recsep off

set pages 500

set lines 80

set feedback off

define &&1 = ''

spool c:\your_path_name\&&2..ctl


'load data

infile ''' || 'C:\your_path_name\' || upper('&2') || '.CSV'''|| '

into table ' || upper('&1') || '.' || upper('&2') || '


fields terminated by '',''' || '

trailing nullcols'

from all_tables where owner = upper('&1') and table_name = upper('&2')


select decode(a.column_id, '1', '(') || a.column_name ||

(case when a.column_id < max(b.column_id) then ',' else ')' END)

from all_tab_columns a, all_tab_columns b

where a.owner = upper('&1') and a.table_name = upper('&2') and

b.owner = upper('&1') and b.table_name = upper('&2')

group by a.column_name, a.column_id

order by a.column_id


spool off

set verify on

set heading on

set embedded off

set recsep wrapped

set pages 64

set lines 80

set feedback 6

undefine 1

undefine 2

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INV: Updateable item name


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這個Case 是為了讓User 於收料畫面方便 Submit Report Request.


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About Global Parameter or Form Personalize you shall know.

  • GLOBAL variables are dynamically created at runtime
  • They can hold up to 255 bytes
  • They are visible across all forms that are currently running

2 Properties affect them:

  • VALUE:

–Creates it if it does not exist

–Always sets the value


–Creates it if it does not exist, setting it to null

–Only sets the value if it is currently null



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