Prerequisites for this example

  1. 1.Oracle9i database
  2. 2.Oracle9i Report


Start ==>

1.Download and install the example files

   1.1 Go to the Oracle Technology NetworkWeb site( the files and into a temporary directory on your machine (e.g., d:\temp).

  Download Information: download from

  1.2 Unzip the contents of the file, maintaining the directory structure, into an examples directory on your machine

2. Update the REPORTS_CLASSPATH environment variable

oraclebarcode.jar folder path to your client regedit “REPORTS_CLASSPATH”

  ex. ORACLE_HOME/Examples/BarCodeBeanPaper/Scripts/oraclebarcode.jar;

Somebaby 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Bat file


date /T>>%date:~0,4%%date:~5,2%%date:~8,2%.log
time /T>>%date:~0,4%%date:~5,2%%date:~8,2%.log
ftp -n -s:ftpscript.txt>>%date:~0,4%%date:~5,2%%date:~8,2%.log
date /T>>%date:~0,4%%date:~5,2%%date:~8,2%.log
time /T>>%date:~0,4%%date:~5,2%%date:~8,2%.log

<<ftpscript.txt>> ==content==

open 192.168.xx.xx

cd unixfolder/xx/

put "filename.csv"

Somebaby 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Updating Item Attributes to NULL

The method to update these columns to NULL is to use the following values:
· for Numeric fields: insert -999999
· for Character fields: insert '!'
· for Date fields: the above list does not include any updateable date fields.

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  • Nov 26 Thu 2009 13:03
  • Chr表


Null Chr(29) 分组符 Chr(38) & Chr(48) 0
Chr(8) 退格 Chr(30) 記錄分離符號 Chr(39) ' Chr(49) 1
Chr(9) Tab Chr(31) 單元分隔符號 Chr(40) ( Chr(50) 2
Chr(10) 换行 Chr(32) 空格SPACE Chr(41) ) Chr(51) 3
Chr(12) 换页 Chr(33) ! Chr(42) * Chr(52) 4
Chr(13) Enter


! Chr(43) + Chr(53) 5
Chr(22) 粘贴 Chr(34) " Chr(44) , Chr(54) 6
Chr(26) 撤销 Chr(35) # Chr(45) - Chr(55) 7
Chr(27) Esc Chr(36) $ Chr(46) . Chr(56) 8
Chr(28) 文件分隔符 Chr(37) % Chr(47) / Chr(57) 9
Chr(58) : Chr(68) D Chr(78) N Chr(88) X
Chr(59) ; Chr(69) E Chr(79) O Chr(89) Y
Chr(60) < Chr(70) F Chr(80) P Chr(90) Z
Chr(61) = Chr(71) G Chr(81) Q Chr(91) [
Chr(62) > Chr(72) H Chr(82) R Chr(92) \
Chr(63) ? Chr(73) I Chr(83) S Chr(93) ]
Chr(64) @ Chr(74) J Chr(84) T Chr(94) ^
Chr(65) A Chr(75) K Chr(85) U Chr(95) _
Chr(66) B Chr(76) L Chr(86) V Chr(96) `
Chr(67) C Chr(77) M Chr(87) W Chr(97) a
Chr(98) b Chr(108) l Chr(118) v Chr(128)
Chr(99) c Chr(109) m Chr(119) w
Chr(100) d Chr(110) n Chr(120) x
Chr(101) e Chr(111) o Chr(121) y
Chr(102) f Chr(112) p Chr(122) z
Chr(103) g Chr(113) q Chr(123) {
Chr(104) h Chr(114) r Chr(124) |
Chr(105) i Chr(115) s Chr(125) }
Chr(106) j Chr(116) t Chr(126) ~
Chr(107) k Chr(117) u Chr(127) 删除

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1.FND_GLOBAL.USERID --Returns userid


  •    APPS_INITIALIZE(user_id in number,resp_id in number,resp_appl_id in number);
       This is used to set the values userid and responsibilityid for a session
    3.FND_GLOBAL.LOGIN_ID -Gives login id
    4.FND_GLOBAL.CONC_LOGIN_ID--Not sure how to use this
    5.FND_GLOBAL.PROG_APPL_ID--Concurrent program application id
    6.FND_GLOBAL.CONC_PROGRAM_ID--Concurrent program id
    7.FND_GLOBAL.CONC_REQUEST_ID (Server)This will give the concurrent request id of the program which is calling the plsql package..


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