目前分類:OM:Order Management (46)

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Document : Cancellation in Order Management   May-2001

Executive Overview (執行概觀)

Canceling 是一個作廢訂單明細的流程,但有些訂單流程的關卡不適合去做Cancel動作。例如:你不能將已經立帳的Invoice 作廢掉。不同的公司針對何時可以對訂單作廢有不同的考量。Oracle R11 已經有提供幾個固定的關卡不能作廢訂單。OM裡新的cancellation功能被納入Processing Constriants裡,讓使用者更有彈性。這本手冊概述Order Management與Order Entry的差異。


乍看之下,一個最顯著的差異是原來的瀏覽器裡沒有Cancel Form.現在不再需要到另外一個Form去Cancel Order 或 Line.Cancellation 已經被設計在Sale Order Form中了。但還有其他不顯著的差異如下:

1.你可以透過Processing Constriants 去自行定義Cancellation的點。一旦你定義的點被觸發了,就會需要填入Cancel Reason.Processing Constriants也可以讓你自行定義什麼典試不允許作廢(Cancel)的.

2.有兩個方式可以Cancel。第一個方式:按下[Action]按鈕並選擇”Cancel”,這個方式不論是在Header 或 Line都可以。或者在訂單上方工具列[Action]裡的Cancel也行。另一個方式是:減少Order Line的訂購數量

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Reference Metalink Document ID 397364.1.

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About Profile 【OM: Administer Public Queries】


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Order Entry/Shipping provides the following application-level profile options to support your scheduling needs.

OE: Reservations

This profile option defines whether you manage your business by reserving on-hand available inventory at some point in the order process. A reservation allocates a reservable item's on-hand available inventory to a sales order line. Oracle Inventory does not include reserved inventory in Current On-hand Available balances, and Oracle Applications do not allow you to transact inventory reserved to another sales order or use it in an inventory material transaction.

With this profile option set to Yes, you can reserve on-hand quantities of an item on-line using the Sales Orders or Schedule Orders windows, or via OrderImport. If you have not reserved the item before releasing the item for shipment, Pick Release automatically reserves the item.

If this profile option is set to No, Order Entry/Shipping does not allow on-line reservations during scheduling, and Pick Release releases all eligible order lines regardless of stock availability.

OE: Autobackorder

If this profile option is set to Yes and there is insufficient quantity on hand to release a shipment, Pick Release automatically backorders the unavailable quantity (the order line status becomes Backorder Release - Eligible). If this profile option is set to No, the items are not released (the order line status remains Pick Release - Eligible).

The profile option OE: Reservations must be set to Yes for Order Entry/Shipping to recognize this profile option setting.

OE: Schedule Date Window

This profile option defines the number of days past the schedule date (including the schedule date) that the Demand Interface attempts to demand inventory. Inventory must be available for all items and options if you place demand for a ship set, ATO configuration, or Ship Model Complete PTO model. There is no limit on the value you can specify, but it must be greater than or equal to one day.

Pick Release ignores the value of this profile option, and its value is irrelevant when you attempt to demand part of a ship set or Ship Model Complete PTO model on-line.

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Error log: image

Error Message
msg_buffer ==> Inventory Interface could not process some of the lines in the batch as they are locked by another process.
W:Inventory Interface could not process some of the lines in the batch as they are locked by another process.

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Update any line attributes (which required reason and history), but I can not find the history log at “View Audit History”.

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因為我們公司有使用WMS,過程中常發生User做到Pick release 時Pick confirm選擇Yes.造成Task沒有正常被指派,常常會跟User扯不清,這邊提供一如何查找Delivery 當時使用的Pick Rule內容方式。

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Issue : User 做了Ship Confirm,一般來說Delivery header Status 應該要變成Closed.




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限定Customer PO 為必輸入欄位


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View  該Order Line Flow Status

發現Activity Result =Not Eligible


  FROM wf_item_activity_statuses
WHERE item_key = '3672090'

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Issue :


Solution :

[Unassign from trip]


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Backorder from “Ship Confirm”Action API


適用於有Assign Delivery Number的資料

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因Drop Shipment Order 可能因Item Default Buyer設定不同,造成一張SO產生的PR會拆單,

為了避免這種狀況發生,設定這個 Profile: OM: Population Of Buyer Code For Dropship Lines

<<以下是在測試環境 測試紀錄>>

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在使用權限下,需先設定此Profile: OM: Scheduling Role 為Scheduler or CSR and Scheduler





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今天有整批修改schedule_ship_date 的需求  測了一整天...


Use Order Interface Method to Update Schedule Date.
First Step: Change the Profile :OM: Authorized To Override ATP ="Yes"

Profile Chang

Scecond Step:Run Insert Interface Sql

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First Setp: Check your order Line Source Type is "External"


You can run Workflow Background process manually to progress the line:
1. OM responsibility: (or System Administrator)
2. Reports, Requests>Requests: Submit
3. Workflow Background Process
4. Item Type: OM Order Line
Process Deferred: Yes
Process Timeout: Yes

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因為我們公司沒有導入Ship-Trip-Stop.的功能,因此在不考慮Trip的情況下,執行出貨後,Delivery Number的狀態就應該要被Close


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昨天User要求撈Shipping資料.同事給了我一段SQL,但因為需要串客製的Table效能不好,資料需求中有一個實際出貨日欄位,為了避免又串到OE_ORDER_LINES_ALL影響效能,於是我抓了wsh_new_deliveries.ultimate_dropoff_date (預計出貨日),同事告訴我,那個欄位不是實際的出貨日期,我才去研究了一下出貨資料表的<實際出貨日>到底是那一個,總結如下:

當Ultimate Ship to Date(Ultimate_dropoff_date )小於Ship Confirm的Actual Depature Date時,系統會保留原值,

但當Ultimate Ship to Date(Ultimate_dropoff_date )大於Ship Confirm的Actual Depature Date時,系統會將他update為實際出貨日





     , wdd.item_description
     , requested_quantity
     , ooha.order_number "SO"
     , oola.line_number "SO Line"
   --  , oola.line_id
     , oola.actual_shipment_date
     , wnd.ultimate_dropoff_date
     , wnd.initial_pickup_date
  FROM oe_order_headers_all ooha
     , oe_order_lines_all oola
     , wsh_delivery_details wdd
     , wsh_delivery_assignments wda
     , wsh_new_deliveries wnd
 WHERE wdd.source_code = 'OE'
   AND ooha.org_id = 86
   AND ooha.header_id = oola.header_id
   AND wdd.source_line_id = oola.line_id
   AND wdd.source_header_id = ooha.header_id
   AND wdd.delivery_detail_id = wda.delivery_detail_id
   AND wda.delivery_id = wnd.delivery_id
  AND oola.actual_shipment_date <> wnd.initial_pickup_date

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  • 問題:

SO# 617574 ,已經book了,可是User要出貨的時候,卻沒辦法抓到這一張單裡面的資料

他的 status 的狀態 是 "BOOKED" ,正常應該是 "Awaiting Shipping"


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最近要做Order Purge發現Return Order的Line都Close了,但是Header status都沒有 Close,仍然是Booked。


查看 Work flow 原來是有Error : no preformer

查看Metalink得知 ,這個Profile OM: Notification Approve需要指定一個有設定 HTML Mail (User Perference) 的USER才行。


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