如何查看ERP Concurrent Manager有無Start
有時候會發生Concurrent Program不會運行的狀況,常常需要請DBA幫忙查詢原因,其實,身為ERP Team的一份子,我們擁有System Administrator(PROD)權限,就可以自己先查詢問題。
本文件主要說明如何查詢Concurrent Manager是否正常
Responsibility: System Administrator(PROG)
先進入Administer Concurrent Managers畫面
3.1 Concurrent: ManageràAdminister

Internal Manager是統管其他所有Concurrent Manager的管理者,所以如果Internal Manager沒有起來,就需要請System Admin幫忙從Unix 環境下Start。但怎麼知道Internal Manager有沒有正常呢? => 查看 “Internal Manager”的 {Autual}是否>=1 ,如果Autual=0則表示Internal Manager沒有正常運行。
l Name
Concurrent Manager的名字,如果需要有新的Concurrent Manager需請System Admin幫忙新增
l Node
In a parallel concurrent processing environment, a manager's processes are targeted to run on this node.
If a concurrent manager is defined to use a platform-specific system queue, this field displays the name of the queue which the manager submits its processes to.
l Processes Actual
However, the number of actual processes may be less than the number of target processes due to lack of requests, manager deactivation, or manager migration.
l Processes Target
l Requests Running/Requests Pending
Typically, when there are requests pending, this number should be the same as the number of actual processes. However, if there are no pending requests, or requests were just submitted, the number of requests running may be less thanthe number of actual processes.
Moreover, if a concurrent program is incompatible with another program currently running, it does not start until the incompatible program has completed. In this case, the number of requests running may be less than number of actual processes even when there are requests pending.
l Status
You can control concurrent managers individually or collectively by controlling the Internal Concurrent Manager. This field is blank when managers have been activated by the Internal Concurrent Manager.
In a parallel processing environment, this field displays Target node/queue unavailable when the primary and secondary nodes (or system queues) are not available.